Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Peer Pressure!

Ok, my sisters finally talked me into blogging. I can't believe that I even THINK I MIGHT have time to do this!!! This day was also a motivation. It all started great. I have been working very hard lately..... getting up early and excercising (doesn't show) and I had the day 'off' so I was at least going to sleep in a little. We have been working on a rental house recently. We bought this house about 4 years ago and never did paint the entryway. The REASON we never painted the entry is because this is one of those huge, could be gorgeous, old houses and the entry is two stories high. The old wallpaper (all FOUR layers) was dangling from the ceiling probably 25 or 30 ft from the floor. It bugged me so bad but how in the world could WE fix that. Well, we are preparing to put the house on the market so we really need to get this done. Steve, the KING of 'jerry-rigging', had a plan. I walked into that house a few days ago and he had one 25 ft. ladder on the floor going up over the stairway, and another, probably 20 ft. ladder on the small landing of the stair way leaning on the opposite wall AND a 10 ft long board
stretched from ladder to ladder, as in one end of the board resting on a ladder rung and the other end of the board resting on the other ladder. AND he was WALKING on the board several feet above my head. Anyway.... I could go on and on about all my thoughts when I saw that (one of my first being 'we really need to get insurance') Anyway, we have been stripping all four layers of wallpaper off and filling holes and sanding and scraping for what seems like forever. Like I said, I had the day 'off'. By the time I did my morning things around here, it was getting late. I made my way, rather joyfully (ha) to work only to find that I was locked out. Steve was working in Indianpolis and, of course, had the key. Well, there was a small window right by the door that was broken and we had been needing to fix that. My dad, who had absolutely NOTHING to do today (teehee) rescued me as he has done so many times in my life. He came by and took out the little window and unlocked the door for me. I'll have to admit, it wasn't that relieved feeling you get when you get locked out of your car and then you get it unlocked.....now I had to WORK. I had to take the window to the hardware store to try to get it replaced and on the way, we (I had my darlings with me) saw my grandparents who were on their way 'to town'. I never wave at them unless they are stopped at a stop sign because I am so nervous about them being out on their own. Grandpa is 93 and he is still DRIVING... makes us all a little nervous. And he's not one of these pokey grandpa drivers either. He doesn't waste any time and it just makes me so nervous. My kids hung out the window waving at them at the stop light and as we both pulled away when the light turned green I just breathed a prayer for their safety. I went to the store, ordered a glass for the window and called my dad to complain to him about how expensive it was! He said, "Grandpa just had a heart attack at Dollar Tree". I said, "NO WAY, YOU'RE LYING" Then I realized how stupid that was because he wouldn't lie about something that serious. Anyway, we just headed on out to Dollar Tree. I was so scared. My kids were wailing in the back seat thinking we were never going to see grandpa again and I always tell myself, 'they can't live forever' so I was expecting the worse. I flew up there, saw the ambulance, left my kids in the car talking on the phone to my best friend. Bless Chelle, she prayed with Kyler over the phone, trying to calm him down. He was so upset. They refused to go in with me because they were so scared. I ran in expecting to see Grandpa on the floor. He was sitting in a chair, totally with it telling the EMT's that he is a 'retired minister'. I thought, well, at least he's not dying. I was in there only 2 or 3 min and came back out. Grandma said they had just gotten there and he started having chest pains and took a nitroglycerin and then just started shaking from 'his feet to his head' and couldn't stand up so she thought he was having a heart attack. So, anyway, I'm standing in Dollar Tree (probably my grandma's favorite place to shop) with my work clothes on, looking really gross, remembering I had kids in the car. I went back out and tried to coax them to come in. In the mean time, this Mexican lady came over to my car and asked my kids what was wrong. I told her that they thought my grandpa had had a heart attack in the store. My kids were all upset and she started speaking to them in Spanish and asking them if I was their mother! It dawned upon me that she thought I was KIDNAPPING my kids!! My kids just looked at her with this blank look. Unfortunately, they don't speak Spanish. So, I started talking to her in Spanish and told her they didn't understand Spanish and they were adopted from Bolivia etc. It was quite interesting. To make a short story long, grandpa is spending the night in the hospital. The tests did not show that he had a heart attack but they think it is a heart problem so they wanted to keep him over night.
I had someone watching my kids and Julie and I went to the hospital. I ended up taking Grandma home so she could eat lunch. I was taking her back to the hospital and my mom was with us because we had to go back to the store to pick up dad's truck that he had to leave there. I headed out to Dollar Tree via my street, just out of habit. It's not really OUT of the way, but not really ON the way either. It sure is a good thing. I was supposed to babysit for 2 kids today and in the mess, completely FORGOT and here their grandma was dropping them off at my house!! I got out of the car and never said a word about FORGETTING that I was supposed to be babysitting!
We finally did get back to the house and even got to start painting tonight. Maybe another good day there and that job will be over. There were other happenings this evening but I better let you rest for now. Thanks for checking in.


Angie D said...

Yikes! Hope Grandpa Mowery is okay. On the upside, at least your first post was an attention getter--good for developing loyal readers!

Michelle said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Hope to keep up with you this way--
Hope your grandpa is okay. Keep us updated.

tacomom said...

And I knew nothing about this because...??? Oh yeah, I've been gone taking care of my dad (who we thought was dying but wasn't :) These old folks just like attention...ya gotta watch that! lol!

Leah said...

Hi, Jenny!!! I am soooo glad you joined this wonderful group of bloggers. We think of you often and pray for you!!!

Karen Walden said...

WOW! I was worn out after reading about your exciting day! I am sure there is never a dull moment around there! Glad to keep in touch with you this way! Welcome to our blogging world!!!

Patty said...

Jenny, Welcome to this fun and crazy world of blogging. It took me a while to cave to the peer pressure, but I am glad I did. It is a great way to connect. If too many more people start blogging I will never get anything done:-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a day! Hope things are going better now. Loved the part about the Mexican lady trying to talk to the kids in Spanish. Does this happen often?
Welcome to the blog world!


sarahmfry said...

And I thought I had a busy day!! It's about time you joined the blogging world. I have been curious about your very unique life and am glad now to be able to share every juicy little detail.

Anonymous said...

Glad you started a blog. Can't wait to see pictures. Carol

LaDonna said...

Jenny, can I just say that your post WORE ME OUT!!! Wow, what a day! Welcome to the blog world. You're welcome to check out my page and "keep up" with me anytime. www.covertscorner.blogspot.com

Florida Bozone Bunch said...

Jenny, I can't believe I found you. I was just talked into blogging also. I will have to admit that I am enjoying myself. This is going to be hard for people like us. We have always had trouble talking. Ha-Ha It will be fun to keep in touch. Your stories brought a smile to my face. Take care, Sherilyn (Wentworth)Bozone

Jenny Gardner said...

Hi everybody! GREAT to catch up with you floridabazone!! i saw you singing during camp:-) great job!
Becky, people talking to our kids in spanish does happen, i wouldn't say often but it is fun!